The latest news is that the 2012 London Olympics will be Michael Phelps's last competition. Some people are shocked by this, but cut him some slack, the guy is old. He had an eight-gold-medal performance in two years and that is surprising. I mean it's surprising because the dude is too
Back to my first point he is old and I still don't see how he could ever do it. I mean the chances of it even being possible is the same as of a hobo actually being clean.

Now sticking to the topic of the Winter Olympics, we come to the figure skating. I don't think they should give figure skaters a name because they are pretty much just ballerinas skating around on ice like hooligans (just the ones in the Olympics). And I can't believe that they think they can dress in things that aren't tutus. Hello, they're ballerinas! The only part that is different is that some are boys, and to fit the ballerina idea they should at least wear skirts.